Jusletter IT

European Privacy Class Action: Facebook even contests «legal competence» of its users

  • Author: Jurius
  • Category: News
  • Region: EU
  • Field of law: Data Protection
  • Citation: Jurius, European Privacy Class Action: Facebook even contests «legal competence» of its users, in: Jusletter IT 11 December 2014
Facebook is trying everything it can to delay the largest European privacy class action ever filed (www.fbclaim.com). In this attempt, Facebook came up with countless arguments to delay the lawsuit filed at an Austrian court this August. It seems more than questionable whether the IT giant’s attempt at delaying will be successful, given the arguments presented. In this first response (Facebook Ireland has not consented to the publication of the response) to the lawsuit, Facebook submitted 30 pages that are in essence arguing that no court should ever decide over the companies» questionable privacy practices. At the same time Facebook remains silent about the actual content of the class action – a long list of alleged violations of EU privacy laws.

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