Jusletter IT

Wie mir die eAkte meinen Arbeitsalltag als Richter erleichtert (Podcast)

  • Author: Holger Radke
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Germany
  • Field of law: E-Justice
  • Citation: Holger Radke, Wie mir die eAkte meinen Arbeitsalltag als Richter erleichtert (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT 18 May 2017
Since 1st June 2016, four civil chambers of the Mannheim regional court are conducting new incoming civil procedures of first instance in electronic form exclusively. This pilot project aims to deliver insights on the technical frameworks and the organizational presages required to establish an extensive electronic file management in the justice of Baden-Württemberg until 2020. The speech depicts experiences of the first 5 months of live operation and centres the advantages of the electronic file for the judge’s workplace. (ah)

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