Jusletter IT

Next Generation Deal Design: Comics and visual platforms for Contracting (Podcast)

  • Author: Helena Haapio
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Finland
  • Field of law: Legal Visualisation
  • Citation: Helena Haapio, Next Generation Deal Design: Comics and visual platforms for Contracting (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT Flash 1. November 2016
Major gaps may exist between the legal representation of an agreement («the paper deal») and the goals and intentions of its negotiators («the real deal»). This paper outlines contracting pitfalls and proposes new approaches to the use of visualisation to overcome them. We categorise contract visualisation and introduce comics and visual interfaces for deal-making as examples of two new categories. These approaches open new possibilities for the future for both theory and practice. They also contribute to next generation deal design as a way to narrow the gaps between the real deal and the paper deal, turning contracts into user-friendly communication tools that reflect the true will of the parties.

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