Jusletter IT

Ein europaweites Netzwerk vertrauenswürdiger Identitäten? (Podcast)

  • Author: Alexander Konzelmann
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Germany
  • Field of law: E-Government
  • Citation: Alexander Konzelmann, Ein europaweites Netzwerk vertrauenswürdiger Identitäten? (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT Flash 16. Juni 2016
Following 15 experimental years of continentally induced legislation regarding electronic signatures and identification devices, in 2014 the EU has made a new attempt: experience with not interoperable installations, denouements as well as the increase of legal relevant e-communication and safety requirements open out into a new EU regulation. This provides new terminologies for the semantic field «Identity and Signature». Simultaneously, a liability multi-stage-system is made available, up until government liability for officially notified authentication systems. (ah)

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