Jusletter IT

Die Zustimmung als Eckpfeiler der Datenverarbeitung in Österreich

  • Author: Rolf-Dieter Kargl
  • Category: Essay
  • Region: Austria
  • Field of law: Data Protection
  • Citation: Rolf-Dieter Kargl, Die Zustimmung als Eckpfeiler der Datenverarbeitung in Österreich, in: Jusletter IT Flash 21. Januar 2016
The consent is the foundation to the probably most frequent case of processing of personal data in practice. This is reflected not only in the right to concealment in basic data protection rights, but also serves as a protection of children against discriminatory legal transaction, especially in distance sellings. By the imminent decree of an European General Data Protection Regulation, many of the current issues regarding delimination and differentiation of approval according to civil and data protection law could have been solved. The fact is, that this has not been done, in reality even more questions have occured. The article shows the current complex of problems and provides an insight into the impacts of the – after an agreement in trilog procedure has occured – soon to be implemented regulation.


  • 1. Aktuelle Rechtslage in Österreich und Abgrenzungsproblematik
  • 2. Europarechtliche Auswirkung durch die EU-DSGVO
  • 3. Spezialproblem mündige Minderjährige und dessen Lösung

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