Jusletter IT

Rechtliche Implikationen bei einem automatisierten Vertragsabschluss – Machine to Machine (M2M) (Podcast)

  • Author: Rolf-Dieter Kargl
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Austria
  • Field of law: E-Commerce
  • Citation: Rolf-Dieter Kargl, Rechtliche Implikationen bei einem automatisierten Vertragsabschluss – Machine to Machine (M2M) (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT Flash 4. Oktober 2016
Due to the advancing development of technical possibilities in relation to contracts and the consequences resulting for the – in some respects «dusty» – civil rights, the legal perspective needs to develop respectively. Legal considerations of automated contract conclusions are being discussed using practical examples. The basis is formed by computer-assisted contract conclusion. Subsequently, the applicability of insights to automated conclusions of contracts shall be executed. Liability and access of the declaration of intent as well as the faulty contract conclusion and electronic signatures of contracts are the key issues. (ah)

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