Jusletter IT

The Role of AI & Law in Legal Data Science (Podcast)

  • Author: Erich Schweighofer
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Austria
  • Field of law: Legal Informatics
  • Citation: Erich Schweighofer, The Role of AI & Law in Legal Data Science (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT Flash 7. Dezember 2016
The potential of AI & law methods in law has been not properly used. A promising way out may be legal data analysis. The goal of legal data science is to complement the existing methodology of law with the new computer-based methods, and to bring it into a theoretical framework. In previous research, we have developed the 8 views/4 methods/4 syntheses approach of legal data analysis. In the speech, we will focus on the man/machine delivery of the desired products of legal knowledge representation using AI & law methods. At present, a lot of this analysis is done manually but the lack of sufficient resources becomes more and more evident. So far, tools of data analysis are insufficiently developed and used in the legal domain. This speech should describe the potential of this approach in order to motivate a stronger deployment in the analysis of legal text corpora.

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