Jusletter IT

A Quality Model of e-Government Services Based on the ISO/IEC 9126 Standard

  • Authors: Gerald Quirchmayr / Suree Funilkul / Wichian Chutimaskul
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Austria, Australia, Thailand
  • Field of law: E-Government, E-Justice
  • Citation: Gerald Quirchmayr / Suree Funilkul / Wichian Chutimaskul, A Quality Model of e-Government Services Based on the ISO/IEC 9126 Standard, in: Jusletter IT 22. Februar 2007
The paper addresses the quality model of e-Government services (e-GSQ Model) by employing the ISO/IEC 9126 standard. This model is used to verify government services whether or not they meet citizens’ needs. There are fifteen characteristics describing government services in terms of services given by government organizations and five other characteristics describing government services in term of citizens’ needs. These characteristics are suggested to be minimum requirements for establishing the quality model of e-Government services. The result of tested quality metrics for e-Government services supports the basic characteristics of a quality model of e-Government services.

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