Jusletter IT

TransEuropean Access to National Case Law: New Challenges in the Dissemination of Legal Information

  • Authors: Sebastiano Faro / Roberta Nannucci
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Italy
  • Field of law: LEFIS (Legal Framework for the Information Society)
  • Citation: Sebastiano Faro / Roberta Nannucci, TransEuropean Access to National Case Law: New Challenges in the Dissemination of Legal Information, in: Jusletter IT 21. Februar 2008
Starting from the description of the reasons why the transnational access to case law is important especially in the context of European legal systems, some major information systems providing access to this type of data are presented, such as the Common Portal to Case Law, Dec.Nat, JuriFast and the EU Consumer Law Acquis Database. Finally Caselex (Case Law Exchange), a service equipped with a variety of semantic tools facilitating the transnational and multilingual access to national case law, is highlighted.

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