Jusletter IT

Distinguishing between Knowledge Visualization and Knowledge Rrpresentation in Legal Informatics

  • Author: Vytautas Čyras
  • Category: Short Articles
  • Region: EU
  • Field of law: Legal Visualisation
  • Collection: Conference proceedings IRIS 2009
  • Citation: Vytautas Čyras, Distinguishing between Knowledge Visualization and Knowledge Rrpresentation in Legal Informatics, in: Jusletter IT 1 September 2009
Knowledge visualization (KV) and knowledge representation (KR) are distinguished, though both are knowledge management processes. Knowledge visualization is subject to humans, whereas knowledge representation – to computers. In computing, knowledge representation leverages reasoning of software agents. Thus, KR is a branch of artificial intelligence. The subject matter of KR is representation methods. They are classified into (1) knowledge level and symbol level representations; (2) procedural and declarative representations; (3) logic-based, rule-based, frame- or object-based representations (supporting inference by inheritance); and (4) semantic networks. In legal informatics, methods of legal knowledge representation (LKR) are dealt with. An essential feature of LKR is the representation of deep knowledge, which is mainly tacit. It is easily understood by professional jurists and hardly by amateurs from outside law. This knowledge comprises the teleology of law and a whole implicit framework of legal system. The paper focuses on (1) identifying key features of KV and KR in the legal domain; and (2) distinguishing between visualization, symbolization, formalisation and mind mapping.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Knowledge Visualization
  • 3. Knowledge Representation
  • 4. Legal Informatics
  • 4.1. The Subject Matter of Legal Informatics
  • 4.2. Building a Bridge between Law and Informatics
  • 5. Distinguishing Approaches in Legal Informatics
  • 6. Conclusions
  • 7. Acknowledgement
  • 8. References

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