Jusletter IT

What Makes a Story Plausible?

The Need for Precedents

  • Authors: Floris Bex / Trevor Bench-Capon / Bart Verheij
  • Category: Scientific Articles
  • Region: England, Netherlands
  • Field of law: AI & Law
  • Citation: Floris Bex / Trevor Bench-Capon / Bart Verheij, What Makes a Story Plausible?, in: Jusletter IT 12 September 2012
When reasoning about the facts of a case, we typically use stories to link the known events into coherent wholes. One way to establish coherence is to appeal to past examples, real or fictitious. These examples can be chosen and critiqued using the case-based reasoning (CBR) techniques from the AI and Law literature. In this paper, we apply these techniques to factual stories, assessing a story about the facts using precedents. We thus show how factual and legal reasoning can be combined in a CBR model.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Case Based Reasoning in AI and Law
  • 3. The hybrid theory for Inference to the Best Explanation
  • 3.1. Precedents in factual reasoning
  • 4. Incorporating Factual Reasoning into CBR
  • 4.1. Stories, story schemes and cases
  • 4.2. Argument Moves and Precedents
  • 4.3. An example of CBR with stories and precedents
  • 5. Conclusions and future work
  • 6. References

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