Jusletter IT

Bekannte Marke als zulässiges Keyword?

  • Author: Verena Stolz
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Austria
  • Field of law: E-Commerce, Trademark Law
  • Citation: Verena Stolz, Bekannte Marke als zulässiges Keyword?, in: Jusletter IT 11 December 2013
With reference to the case law of the ECJ the German BGH has ruled that the use of a well-known trademark as a keyword is not an unfair practice in itself. In case that an alternative product and/or service is recommended, this is to be seen as part of fair and healthy competition and is thus justified. Neither the ECJ nor the German BGH have however specified under which exact circumstances the use of a well-known trademark as a keyword is justified. This article thus examines this question against the backdrop of the case law of the ECJ and the German BGH in order to find out under which specific circumstances the use of a well-known trademark as a keyword is permissible.


  • 1. Ausgangslage
  • 2. Allgemeines zur Markenverletzung
  • 3. Zur Verwendung einer bekannten Marke
  • 3.1. Grundsätze
  • 3.2. Keine Nachahmung von Waren
  • 3.3. Vermeidung von Funktionsbeeinträchtigungen
  • 3.4. Vermeidung der Verwässerung und Verunglimpfung
  • 4. Schlussfolgerung

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