Jusletter IT

Obtaining societal feedback on legislative issues through content extraction from the Social Web

  • Authors: Dimitris Spiliotopoulos / Günther Schefbeck / Dimitris Koryzis
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Griechenland, Austria
  • Field of law: Elektronische Rechtsetzung
  • Collection: Tagungsband-IRIS-2013
  • Citation: Dimitris Spiliotopoulos / Günther Schefbeck / Dimitris Koryzis, Obtaining societal feedback on legislative issues through content extraction from the Social Web, in: Jusletter IT 20 February 2013
Social web is the main channel for people to express their opinion on life issues, including politics. It is, therefore, the most interesting and promising medium to exploit in order to harvest the feedback of the society. Legislation directly affects the people, thus their involvement in such discussions on the web is extremely high. This work reports on the set of specific tools required for obtaining rich, clean, structured input on the peoples’ response on legislative issues through the social web.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Motivation
  • 3. The ARCOMEM system
  • 4. Social feedback and content collection
  • 5. Conclusion
  • 6. Acknowledgements
  • 7. References

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