Jusletter IT

Assessment and Explanation of the Human Rights Situation of an Ubiquitous Minority in Europe

  • Authors: Norbert Brunner / Christof Tschohl
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Austria
  • Field of law: Legal Theory
  • Citation: Norbert Brunner / Christof Tschohl, Assessment and Explanation of the Human Rights Situation of an Ubiquitous Minority in Europe, in: Jusletter IT 11 December 2014
Indicators for the comparison of countries by their HR (human rights) compliance, based on country reports, have been used for 40 years. However, they aim at giving a comprehensive picture of the HR situation of each country. Does this suffice to draw conclusion about the well-being of small groups? The paper explores this problem for a test population that in each country is in about the same vulnerable situation: women in sex work (SW). Using data from Council of Europe (CoE) countries, the paper uncovers several explanations for the HR situation in SW in terms of comprehensive indicators. Further, the paper uncovers a dependency on proven HR violations (based on international jurisprudence), if the societal preferences of countries are modelled by their pattern of the ratification of certain CoE treaties. This is insofar surprising, as generally the indicators ‹proven HR violations› and ‹reported HR violations› are uncorrelated.

Table of contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Materials and Methods of Data Analysis
  • 3. Data 1: Relevant European Treaties
  • 4. Data 2: HR Deficiencies in SW (SWDEF)
  • 5. Data 3: Other Country Data (VP, CIRI, etc.)
  • 6. Results 1: Definition and Explanation of Ratification Types
  • 7. Results 2: Explaining SWDEF by Tree Models
  • 8. Results 3: Explaining SWDEF by Indices of Vulnerability
  • 9. Discussion of CIRI Models
  • 10. Discussion of Ratification-Type Models
  • 11. Conclusion
  • 12. Appendix: Summary Table

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