Jusletter IT

New gTLDs, International Law and State Sovereignty

  • Author: Joanna Kulesza
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Poland
  • Field of law: Internet-Governance
  • Citation: Joanna Kulesza, New gTLDs, International Law and State Sovereignty, in: Jusletter IT 11 December 2014
The paper aims to present the new gTLD process as an issue of international law and the sovereignty of states. While discussing the significance of the biggest DNS enlargement in Internet’s history the author goes to show that the decisions by the California based non-profit that is the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) hold international significance and reflect the current state of debate on human rights and national sovereignty. While providing a critical look at ICANN’s far reaching independence in authorizing TLD administration and operation, the author argues that a better solution to reconcile the conflicting interests of all the world’s cultures is yet to be found.


  • 1. New Dawn in Internet governance
  • 2. International Law and the Recognition of States
  • 3. ICANN and the Recognition of States
  • 4. ICANN and the recognition of cultures
  • 5. The Role of ICANN and the Road Ahead

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