Jusletter IT

The Court of Justice declares that the Commission's US Safe Harbour Decision is invalid

  • Author: Jurius
  • Category: News
  • Region: EU
  • Field of law: Data Protection
  • Citation: Jurius, The Court of Justice declares that the Commission's US Safe Harbour Decision is invalid, in: Jusletter IT 19 November 2015
CJEU – Whilst the Court of Justice alone has jurisdiction to declare an EU act invalid, where a claim is lodged with the national supervisory authorities they may, even where the Commission has adopted a decision finding that a third country affords an adequate level of protection of personal data, examine whether the transfer of a person's data to the third country complies with the requirements of the EU legislation on the protection of that data and, in the same way as the person concerned, bring the matter before the national courts, in order that the national courts make a reference for a preliminary ruling for the purpose of examination of that decision's validity.

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