Jusletter IT

Die Berechnung der Welt und ihre Folgen

  • Author: Klaus Mainzer
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Germany
  • Field of law: Big Data, Open Data & Open Government, Information Technology
  • Citation: Klaus Mainzer, Die Berechnung der Welt und ihre Folgen, in: Jusletter IT 21 May 2015
The topic «Calculation of the World and its Consequences» affiliates to my last book with the same title. Everything that has been discussed at the Conference for Informatics and Law in Berne is to be understood in light of the «Internet of Things». This is the second digital revolution. The first digital revolution was the «Internet of Persons», in which a world wide computer network was used for the communication between persons. In the «Internet of Things» subjects and objects are provided with communications interfaces (RFID-Chips, sensors et cetera) to communicate amongst each other: automobiles with their environment, work pieces in the industry and robots. (ah)


  • I. Was treibt die Entwicklung der Big Data Welt an?
  • II. Big Data Governance – Was sind die Perspektiven einer neuen digitalen Wirtschafts-, Rechts- und Gesellschaftsordnung ?
  • III. Ziele und Perspektiven der Big Data Welt

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