Jusletter IT

Buchbesprechung: «Leitfaden Information Governance»

  • Author: Pierre Brun
  • Category: Recension
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: Information Technology, IT-Governance
  • Citation: Pierre Brun, Buchbesprechung: «Leitfaden Information Governance», in: Jusletter IT 24 September 2015
Increasing legal and regulatory requirements and a dramatic growth in the amount of data present a major challenge to business information managers. To understand the legal basis, to assess the risks und implement effective measures with limited resources are no easy task. The «Leitfaden Information Governance» (guide to information governance) in its new edition is thus a welcome and comprehensive tool for practitioners. It shows tangible solutions for ensuring the correct and regular handling of business information resources.


  • 1. Einleitung
  • 2. Rechtliche Grundlagen
  • 3. Umsetzung der IG im Unternehmen

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