Jusletter IT

Electronic Judicial Process and Interoperability: Currently State of Affairs in Brazil and Comparative Law

  • Authors: Cesar Antonio Serbena / Luiz Henrique Krassuski Fortes
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Brazil
  • Field of law: E-Justice
  • Collection: Conference Proceedings IRIS 2015
  • Citation: Cesar Antonio Serbena / Luiz Henrique Krassuski Fortes, Electronic Judicial Process and Interoperability: Currently State of Affairs in Brazil and Comparative Law, in: Jusletter IT 26 February 2015
Given the currently discussion on e-Justice, several challenges have been faced, in areas ranging from the adaptation of the procedural law to the technical and regulatory details regarding the electronic judicial process (EJP) systems’ construction. The main concern is enabling the proper implementation of EJP and the fulfillment of a more timely and effective administration of justice. There is, however, a gap that still must be addressed: the issue of interoperability. It can be defined as the communication capacity of the EJPs systems between themselves and several other facets. The Brazilian Judiciary is composed of 5 higher courts, 27 state appellate courts, 5 federal appellate courts and 24 labor appellate courts. According to the current Brazilian legislation, however, it would be legally possible to have at least more than 50 different systems of EJP. Taking into account the legal framework for EJPs, the role of the National Council of Justice (CNJ), the material provided by the Comparative Law and empirical data, the research aims to provide an overall picture of the currently situation of implementation of the EJPs and its interoperability in Brazil.

Table of contents

  • 1. Introduction: the Research Project on Electronic Judicial Process (EJP) and Interoperability
  • 2. The context of the problem of Interoperability in Brazil
  • 3. Legislation on Brazilian E-Justice
  • 4. Main systems of Electronic Judicial Process operating in Brazil
  • 5. The problem of Interoperability of EJPs in Brazil
  • 5.1. Two Models of Interoperability in progress in Brazil
  • 6. The main goals of the Research Project
  • 6.1. Point 1 – Quantifying the Interoperability of EJP
  • 6.2. Point 2 and 3 – Semantics of Judical Process and EJS and Interoperability in Comparative Law

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