Jusletter IT

«What a parcel of rogues in a nation’s database»

The Scottish ID Database and Britain’s Asymmetric Constitution

  • Author: Burkhard Schafer
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Scotland
  • Field of law: Data Protection
  • Citation: Burkhard Schafer, «What a parcel of rogues in a nation’s database», in: Jusletter IT 22 September 2016
The challenges of global ICT to national legal regimes are well known. Less so are issues caused by sub-state divisions. As recent years have seen a resurgence of regionalism that saw increased autonomy given to regional governments, this question merits closer scrutiny. This paper uses the proposed national ID database for Scotland to explore these issues. We will see the «long shadow» that history casts over even the most current technological developments and trace back design choices in e-governance from the Scottish independence referendum of 2014 back to the 17th century. Also, much of it will turn out to be the German’s fault.

Table of contents

  • 1. «Ye Hypocrites, are these your pranks»
  • 1.1. «See the front o» battle lour!»
  • 1.2. «Be blest with health, and peace, and sweet content!»
  • 1.3. «Then gently scan your brother man»
  • 1.4. What’s done we partly may compute
  • 2. «Bought and sold for English Gold»

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