Jusletter IT

Partizipatorische Demokratie in der Realverfassung der EU – unterentwickelt und unvollendet (Podcast)

  • Author: Johannes W. Pichler
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Austria
  • Field of law: E-Democracy, E-Government
  • Citation: Johannes W. Pichler, Partizipatorische Demokratie in der Realverfassung der EU – unterentwickelt und unvollendet (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT 25 May 2016
Determined by hope, the constitutional convention has devised grandiose civil rights of direct participation in the Union. The Treaty of Lisbon has attached expectation to a strong increase of legitimacy. Those were prominently announced by the Union Treaty: the so-called mutual horizontal civil dialogue of the citizens, the vertical civil dialogue of the civic citizenship with EU institutions, the consultation procedure of the EU Commission, the EU Citizens' Initiative as well as the dialogue about European values. But reality? Disillusioning. (ah)

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