Jusletter IT

Partizipative oder simulative Demokratie? (Podcast)

  • Author: Reinhard Riedl
  • Category: Podcasts
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: E-Democracy, E-Government
  • Citation: Reinhard Riedl, Partizipative oder simulative Demokratie? (Podcast), in: Jusletter IT 25 May 2016
Whilst the need for citizen participation is growing, constraints in politics are increasing and the local scope of action diminishes. We see on a daily basis, how little control we have over data and how inauthentic many political statements in the internet are. The potential of manipulation on the part of the platform operators is big, and many political actors employ trolls. That’s why thinking about the future of democracy in the era of internet 2.0 is necessary. (ah)

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