Jusletter IT

Transparenz und Open Data

  • Author: Rolf H. Weber
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: E-Democracy, E-Government
  • Citation: Rolf H. Weber, Transparenz und Open Data, in: Jusletter IT 25 May 2016
Transparency, participation and collaboration of civil society are not only characteristics of a modern administration of the 21st century, but also essential features of a forward-looking democracy. Transparency of governmental actions should particularly contribute to constructing democratic processes in comprehensible and open way, thus delineating an element of founding legitimation. Redounding to this transparency are both the opening of governmental data pools and the establishment of a national data infrastructure. The challenges for open data occurring due to digitization have to be consequently tackled and seen as a chance for transparent administrative actions in the future. (ah)


  • 1. Begriff und Wesen der Transparenz
  • 2. Transparenz im Staat
  • 2.1. Staatsrechtliche Grundlagen
  • 2.2. Öffentlichkeitsprinzip der Verwaltung
  • 3. Open Data
  • 3.1. Begriff und Wesen
  • 3.2. Informationstätigkeit des Staates
  • 3.3. OGD-Strategie des Bundes
  • 3.4. Herausforderungen durch die Digitalisierung
  • 4. Ausblick

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