Jusletter IT

Massnahmen für eine zukunftsorientierte Datenpolitik der Schweiz

  • Author: Jurius
  • Category: News
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: Data Protection
  • Citation: Jurius, Massnahmen für eine zukunftsorientierte Datenpolitik der Schweiz, in: Jusletter IT 24 May 2018
The opendata.swiss portal now makes freely available over 3’364 published datasets from 53 organisations (including 21 federal offices). In order to ensure that Switzerland remains an attractive data location for the economy and the population, the Federal Council intends to continue to promote free access to official datasets. In addition, the Federal Council is striving to establish a more up-to-date and more consistent legal basis and framework. At its meeting of 9 May 2018, the Federal Council specified the initial benchmarks for its data policy and put in place measures in relation to open data and data portability.

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