Jusletter IT

E-voting source code publication: a good practice becomes a legal requirement

  • Author: Ardita Driza Maurer
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: E-Voting, E-Democracy
  • Citation: Ardita Driza Maurer, E-voting source code publication: a good practice becomes a legal requirement, in: Jusletter IT 26 September 2018
Security is at the centre of discussions on e-voting. The ordinance of the federal Chancellery on e-voting (OVotE) was recently modified introducing a new legal requirement: the publication of the source code of the software of complete verifiability. The public can analyse the code of one of the main security-relevant components and contribute to improve it. «Security by transparency», so far a good practice, is now reflected in the federal legislation on e-voting. It sets a milestone in the legal design of e-voting, more particularly of its security and transparency, in line with best cantonal and international practices.


  • 1. Development of legal requirements on security
  • 2. Development of transparency requirements
  • 3. Digitalization imposes a virtuous spiral

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