Jusletter IT

Opening corporate accounts for blockchain companies – guidelines for Swiss Bankers Association

  • Author: Jurius
  • Category of articles: News
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: FinTech and RegTech, Private law
  • Citation: Jurius, Opening corporate accounts for blockchain companies – guidelines for Swiss Bankers Association, in: Jusletter IT 26 September 2018
The number of blockchain companies in Switzerland has risen sharply. The SBA welcomes this trend and takes a positive view of the high market momentum, as it boosts Switzerland’s attractiveness as a financial centre. Banks see blockchain technology as an opportunity opening up an array of possibilities for the country as a financial and technology location. Within the context of its priorities, the SBA promotes and supports an innovation-friendly environment in the digitalisation arena. This also includes promoting conditions that support the sustainable growth of companies involved in blockchain technology.

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