Jusletter IT

Towards a Taxonomy of Robo-Advisors

  • Author: Luis Garvía
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Spain
  • Field of law: Robotics
  • Collection: Conference proceedings IRIS 2018
  • Citation: Luis Garvía, Towards a Taxonomy of Robo-Advisors, in: Jusletter IT 22 February 2018
This paper examines the basics of Robo-Advisors, attempts a definition, and lays the necessary groundwork for analyzing both, regulation and contractual relationship between robots-related participants and the attribution of liabilities among them. The objective of this study is to offer a taxonomy of the Robo-Advisory industry and, in order to achieve this aim, we will define a robo-advisor as the algorithm that can provide investment services to an investor. A robo-advisor will involve the participation of following roles, that could be played by the same or different actors: the programmer, the owner, the user and the investor. Considering the relations among these players we will do the taxonomy.

Table of contents

  • 1. Brief Introduction to Robo-Advisory Market and Trends
  • 2. An Approach to a Basic Concept of Robo-Advisors through its Current Features and Legal Implications
  • 3. Final Remarks: Towards a Taxonomy of Robo-advisors regarding its Role in the Financial Market
  • 4. References

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