Jusletter IT

Zur Zulässigkeit der unaufgeforderten Aufschaltung eines separaten Wifi-Hotspots bei WLAN-Kunden

  • Author: Jurius
  • Category of articles: News
  • Region: Germany
  • Field of law: Competition law, Internet law, Telecommunications law
  • Citation: Jurius, Zur Zulässigkeit der unaufgeforderten Aufschaltung eines separaten Wifi-Hotspots bei WLAN-Kunden, in: Jusletter IT 23 May 2019
BGH – The I. Civil Senate of the Federal Court of Justice, which is responsible, among other things, for claims arising from the Act against Unfair Competition, has ruled that the activation of a second WLAN signal on the WLAN router made available to its customers by a telecommunications service provider, which can be used by third parties, is permissible under competition law if the customers have a right of objection, the activation of the second WLAN signal does not impair their Internet access and also does not entail any other disadvantages, in particular no security and liability risks or additional costs. (Judgment I ZR 23/18) (ph)

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