Jusletter IT

Facebook’s Libra: Watershed Moment for Digital Currencies?

  • Authors: Lee Bacon / George Bazinas
  • Category of articles: FinTech and RegTech
  • Category: Essay
  • Region: England
  • Field of law: FinTech and RegTech, Blockchain
  • Citation: Lee Bacon / George Bazinas, Facebook’s Libra: Watershed Moment for Digital Currencies?, in: Jusletter IT 26 September 2019
Facebook’s Libra, a new global digital currency built on an open-source blockchain, with a payment system embedded into its messaging services, may have wide-reaching implications for finance, in particular cross-border payments. This article addresses the benefits of decentralisation in financial services through blockchain technology. It concludes that, the challenges of regulation and adoption to scale aside, digital currencies have the potential to become the predominate medium of exchange, which could transform not only the financial services industry but also alter the way companies and individuals interact and do business.

Table of contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Cross-Border Payments and Remittances
  • 3. What Lies Ahead?

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