Data Protection

Towards Functioning Personal Data Breach Notification in the Age of Internet of Things

František Kasl
František Kasl



Czech Republic, EU

Field of law:

Data Protection


Conference proceedings IRIS 2019

Citation: František Kasl, Towards Functioning Personal Data Breach Notification in the Age of Internet of Things, in: Jusletter IT 21. Februar 2019

The mechanism of mandatory personal data breach notification that was introduced beyond the narrow electronic communication sector to all data controllers by the General Data Protection Regulation is facing a new challenge in the form of an omnipresent mesh of interconnected devices processing a wide range of personal data, while at the same time presenting an increasing challenge from the cyber security perspective. The contribution identifies the core features of the internet of things phenomena that complicate or conflict with the concept of personal data breach notification. It further provides a discussion of the available legislative countermeasures.

Table of contents

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Personal data breach
  • 3. Regulatory framework for personal data breach notification
  • 4. Internet of things
  • 5. Ensuing challenges to personal data breach notification
    • 5.1. Change in frequency and volume of personal data breaches
    • 5.2. Change in intensity and form of impact
    • 5.3. Change in detection possibilities
    • 5.4. Change in the structure of responsible subjects
  • 6. Discussion
  • 7. Conclusion
  • 8. References
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