Jusletter IT

Stärkung der Zusammenarbeit von Bund, Kantonen und Gemeinden im Bereich «Digitale Verwaltung»

  • Author: Jurius
  • Category of articles: News
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: E-Government
  • Citation: Jurius, Stärkung der Zusammenarbeit von Bund, Kantonen und Gemeinden im Bereich «Digitale Verwaltung», in: Jusletter IT 27 Mai 2020
The Confederation, cantons, municipalities and cities are strengthening their cooperation in the development and management of «digital administration». The Federal Council and the Plenary Assembly of the Conference of Cantonal Governments have approved a comprehensive project. Building on the existing structures, a new joint organisation is to make rapid progress, particularly in the area of cross-cutting challenges. (ph)

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