Jusletter IT

Projektbericht Automatisierung der Kurzarbeitformulare

  • Author: Blaise Dévaud
  • Category of articles: Articles
  • Region: Switzerland
  • Field of law: Applications
  • DOI: 10.38023/8f7f8059-d407-41b1-8f36-16e8abf89a51
  • Citation: Blaise Dévaud, Projektbericht Automatisierung der Kurzarbeitformulare, in: Jusletter IT 16 December 2021
Short-time working is one of the main instruments to mitigate the economic consequences of the corona pandemic in Switzerland. In order for this legal instrument to achieve the expected impact, the practical implementation should also be able to keep pace with the strong demand caused by the crisis. This project report shows how the short-time working compensation process was automated in spring 2020. The new process is interactive and free of media discontinuity – all entries are made in an online form; the application is checked by the authority and can be supplemented iteratively if necessary; the completed application is entered directly in the authority’s business administration.


  • 1. Ausgangslage
  • 2. Automatisierung als Antwort auf die Coronakrise
  • 3. Übersicht der automatisierten Lösung
  • 4. Ausblick weitere Entwicklungen und Einsatzmöglichkeiten

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