Jusletter IT

Stand der digitalen Justiz aus aktueller Sicht in Österreich

  • Author: Michael Kunz
  • Category of articles: IRIS-Trimester 2021
  • Region: Austria
  • Field of law: E-Justice
  • DOI: 10.38023/e97b9144-d18e-45f5-ad29-455df25cbe2d
  • Citation: Michael Kunz, Stand der digitalen Justiz aus aktueller Sicht in Österreich, in: Jusletter IT 30 June 2021
Starting in the 1980s, the development of IT applications in the Austrian justice system has gradually led to the support of practically all areas of the justice system by IT applications. Currently, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice is implementing the project «Strategic Initiative Justice 3.0» with the goal of completely digital procedural processing. The digital justice workplace includes, among other things, a uniform justice-wide e-file system, electronic workflows, word processing with access to procedural data, and an electronic platform that integrates the above-mentioned and other essential applications in a clearly structured form. The presentation highlights the development, status quo, and the direction in which the further journey of justice IT can lead.

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