Jusletter IT

La révision de la loi sur la surveillance des marchés financiers du Liechtenstein

  • Authors: Fabian Teichmann / Léonard Gerber
  • Category of articles: Articles
  • Region: Liechtenstein
  • Field of law: FinTech and RegTech, Blockchain, IT-Law
  • DOI: 10.38023/30ae4075-f15a-435c-b14b-f565c815453e
  • Citation: Fabian Teichmann / Léonard Gerber, La révision de la loi sur la surveillance des marchés financiers du Liechtenstein, in: Jusletter IT 30. September 2021
During the adoption of the Blockchain Act of Liechtenstein of the 3. October 2019 (or TVTG), the Financial Market Surveillance Act of 18 June 2004 (or FMAG) was revised encompassing two new core features. Firstly, the extent of the surveillance power of the FMA was clarified as regards to the registration duty imposed on professional service providers linked to tokens and secured systems based on blockchain. Secondly, the FMAG foresees rather light surveillance costs, notably in order to support innovation as well as start-ups offering services related to tokens.

Table des matières

  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. L’approche de la surveillance des services liés aux crypto-monnaies
  • 3. La révision de la FMAG
  • 4. La surveillance de la FMA
  • 5. Les coûts de la surveillance
  • 6. Diverses perspectives sur la révision de la FMAG

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