Jusletter IT

Einfluss der künstlichen Intelligenz auf die Soft Skills in der anwaltlichen Tätigkeit

  • Author: Sara Fischer
  • Category of articles: Next Generation
  • Region: Switzerland, EU
  • Field of law: Law in Practice
  • DOI: 10.38023/40754fa2-85ee-45bf-a40b-3896554701f4
  • Citation: Sara Fischer, Einfluss der künstlichen Intelligenz auf die Soft Skills in der anwaltlichen Tätigkeit, in: Jusletter IT 30. September 2021
As the presence of artificial intelligence increases in the legal profession, soft skills are becoming more important, because automation cannot replace them and human skills increasingly serve as a differentiating criteria between job applicants. The ability to work in a team is the most significant of these skills, as the skill has been promoted by employers and educational institutions for decades and is the most common skill requirement in job descriptions today. Creativity and emotional intelligence are also considered important. In job advertisements, however, these are not yet among the most sought-after soft skills and are thus not explicitly required of future employees. Since soft skills are interdependent and hardly measurable, both the development and the assessment of these skills are considered to be difficult, which is why there is a discrepancy between supply and demand in regard to soft skills.


  • I. Einleitung
  • II. Künstliche Intelligenz im Anwaltsberuf
  • III. Soft Skills eines Anwalts
  • Kommunikationsfähigkeit
  • Teamfähigkeit
  • Kreativität
  • Emotionale Intelligenz
  • Interdependenz der Soft Skills
  • IV. Zusammenfassung

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