Jusletter IT

The Agile Working Method for Legal Departments

A practical and empirical report with impulses for implementation

  • Authors: Tobias Broda / Katharina Debray / Michael Goldstein / Stefan Grassee / Daniel Halft / Evgeny Ioffe / Kai Jacob / Manuel Krahl / Alicia Mühter / Dierk Schindler / Carolin Schrott
  • Category of articles: Liquid Legal Institute
  • Field of law: LegalTech
  • DOI: 10.38023/fc0c658d-1230-45ca-bf08-bf3113e2d678
  • Citation: Tobias Broda / Katharina Debray / Carolin Schrott / Michael Goldstein / Stefan Grassee / Daniel Halft / Evgeny Ioffe / Kai Jacob / Manuel Krahl / Alicia Mühter / Dierk Schindler, The Agile Working Method for Legal Departments, in: Jusletter IT 20. Dezember 2022
The authors of this book were and are participants of a "Scrum Master Roundtable". At this roundtable, representatives of various companies met to exchange ideas about the introduction of agile methods in the legal department. What has worked well for you, how do we do this, why do you do that? – these were the questions at the beginning. Very soon we realized that this view from the outside is very helpful for the improvement of our own method, and we wanted to share this experience with you who might still be at the beginning of the implementation or encounter difficulties on your way. We try to explain the bundle of Agile methods and frameworks in a comprehensible way and to convey to you why we have made this or that adaptation. The authors are all members of LLI and this publication is their project (interim) result.

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