Jusletter IT

Einige Gesichtspunkte der Menschenwürde

  • Author: Marijan Pavčnik
  • Category of articles: Legal Theory
  • Field of law: Legal Theory
  • Collection: Conference proceedings IRIS 2023
  • DOI: 10.38023/b6a3fe1c-01b1-4914-adc8-c85f40ee0ffc
  • Citation: Marijan Pavčnik, Einige Gesichtspunkte der Menschenwürde, in: Jusletter IT 27 April 2023
The paper deals particulary with some aspects disclosed by the Decision of the Constitutional Court of the Republic Slovenia of 2011 in the matter Tito Street (U-I-109/10). The Decision repealed Art. 2 of the Ordinance, by which the Municipality Ljubljana decided that a street should be named Tito Street. The fundamental argument of the Decision was that the name of Josip Broz Tito (1892−1980) was a symbol of the totalitarian regime in the former Yugoslavia. − The Constitutional Court reasoned that the repealed Ordinance was issued in 2009, i.e. eighteen years after Slovenia had become independent and established a constitutional order »based on constitutional values contrary to the values of the regime before the independence«. Such new namings were contrary to the principle of respecting human dignity having its basis in the constitutional principle that Slovenia was a democratic republic (Art. 1 of the Constitution of the Republic Slovenia). − Human dignity and democracy are an important pair. Their connection does not lie in that humany dignity would necessarily result from the principle of democracy, but in that human dignity as the central element of constitutional democracy contentually binds the forms of democratic decision-making. The closer this connection is and the more intensively the democratic decision- making strengthens and deepens the dimensions of human dignity, the higher the quality of the democracy based on human dignity is.


  • 1. Entscheidung U-I-109/10-11 des Verfassungsgerichts der Republik Slowenien
  • 2. Einige offene Fragen
  • 3. Menschenwürde als Rechtsargument
  • 4. Anstatt eines Schlusses

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