Jusletter IT

Transparency in eVoting

  • Autor/Autorin: Alexander Prosser
  • Zitiervorschlag: Alexander Prosser, Transparency in eVoting, in: Jusletter IT 1. September 2010
Apart from the protection of voting secrecy, the possible manipulation of votes, even of the entire election, is one of the key issues in eVoting. The contribution shows how lack in reproducibility and auditability may endanger the entire electronic election and how the issue may be dealt with.


  • 1. The Issue
  • 2. Definitions
  • 3. Trust Model
  • 4. Auditability Requirements
  • 4.1. Verification that votes were only cast by eligible voters
  • 4.2. Verification that all cast votes were recorded in the ballot box as cast by the voter
  • 4.3. Verification that all recorded votes are counted as recorded in the electronic ballot box
  • 5. Conclusion
  • 6. References

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