Jusletter IT

Towards the evaluation of online voting systems and environments

  • Autoren/Autorinnen: Johannes Buchmann / Melanie Volkamer / Axel Schmidt
  • Kategorie: Kurzbeiträge
  • Region: Deutschland
  • Rechtsgebiete: E-Democracy
  • Sammlung: Tagungsband IRIS 2010
  • Zitiervorschlag: Johannes Buchmann / Melanie Volkamer / Axel Schmidt, Towards the evaluation of online voting systems and environments, in: Jusletter IT 1. September 2010
In the area of electronic voting, evaluation so far concentrated on the voting system. But the security of the operational environment is also essential for the election security. We present an approach how to combine the evaluation of both voting system and operational environment. To this end, we show how the model of a Voting Service Provider can be evaluated based on a corresponding legal regulation.

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