Jusletter IT

The Responsibility to overcome the Question of Guilt

  • Autor/Autorin: Markus Fath
  • Kategorie: Kurzbeiträge
  • Region: Deutschland
  • Rechtsgebiete: Rechtstheorie
  • Sammlung: Q-Justice 2011
  • Zitiervorschlag: Markus Fath, The Responsibility to overcome the Question of Guilt, in: Jusletter IT 29. Juni 2011
This paper deals with the question of guilt as one important decision factor for modern legal systems. First of all a short look on the Solomonic Judgment will point out the importance of considering a systemic point of view. Then the impacts of the integration of the question of guilt as decision factor for conflict resolutions are highlighted, considering different human relations on different social levels. The question of guilt always becomes a fertilizer of escalation. This will lead back to the modern legal systems and the necessity to overcome the question of guilt, respectively to overcome a personalizing point of view.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Wisdom and Justice
  • 3. Question of Guilt as a decision factor and its impacts
  • 4. The point of view of a shared responsibility – a potential alternative
  • 5. Reference

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