Jusletter IT

Enterprise architects concern legal requirements for the compliance with the law

  • Autoren/Autorinnen: Vytautas Čyras / Reinhard Riedl
  • Kategorie: Kurzbeiträge
  • Region: Litauen
  • Rechtsgebiete: IT-Compliance, E-Discovery
  • Sammlung: Tagungsband IRIS 2012
  • Zitiervorschlag: Vytautas Čyras / Reinhard Riedl, Enterprise architects concern legal requirements for the compliance with the law, in: Jusletter IT 29. Februar 2012
This paper addresses enterprise architecture (EA) compliance framework. A meth-odology to check EA non-compliance with laws and regulations is still a challenge. We think that a compliance methodology should take into account “shared” relevant laws and a requirements engineering framework. We continue discussing the view of enterprise architects on legal informatics which was proposed by Reinhard Riedl. We reflect mainly on two articles: Riedl (2011) and Čaplinskas (2009) who proposes a vision driven approach on requirements elicitation in the context of enterprise engineering.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. The legal perspective in legal informatics and enterprise engineering
  • 3. The task to be solved by a multiphase transformation
  • 4. Towards a methodology of the compliance with the law
  • 5. References

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