Jusletter IT

SSH in ICT Using the Example of TRUESSEC.EU

  • Autoren/Autorinnen: Martin Griesbacher / Elisabeth Staudegger / Harald Stelzer
  • Kategorie: Beiträge
  • Region: Österreich
  • Rechtsgebiete: Sicherheit und Recht
  • Sammlung: Tagungsband IRIS 2017
  • Zitiervorschlag: Martin Griesbacher / Elisabeth Staudegger / Harald Stelzer, SSH in ICT Using the Example of TRUESSEC.EU, in: Jusletter IT 23. Februar 2017
This article deals with the implementation of Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH) in ICT-products. It explains the arising challenges through the Coordination and Support Action TRUESSEC.EU which receives funding from the European Commission. As the European Union advances the Digital Single Market, users are concerned about the trustworthiness of ICT-products and services. Certification can be vital in restoring transparency and trust. TRUESSEC.EU aims to build an enduring StakeHolder’ Online Platform (SHOP) and to work out REcommendations for Trust Enhancing Labels (RETEL), both based on SUPPorting Analyzing studies with a strong focus on SSH (SUPPA).

Table of contents

  • 1. Starting position
  • 2. The Consortium
  • 3. Three Pillars: SHOP, SUPPA and RETEL
  • 4. SSH in Focus: Legal, Ethical and Sociological Perspectives on Cybersecurity
  • 5. Conclusions

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