Jusletter IT

Internet of Things, Interoperability and Interfaces: a Copyright Law Perspective

  • Autor/Autorin: Matěj Myška
  • Kategorie: Beiträge
  • Region: Tschechien
  • Rechtsgebiete: Internet of Things, Urheberrecht, IP-Recht
  • Sammlung: Tagungsband IRIS 2019
  • Zitiervorschlag: Matěj Myška, Internet of Things, Interoperability and Interfaces: a Copyright Law Perspective, in: Jusletter IT 21. Februar 2019
The interoperability of the elements involved in IoT is the factual conditio sine qua non. Practically, the interoperability is ensured via various interfaces. If the specification of an interface is not readily available, it might be under certain strict conditions obtained by reverse engineering. The current EU copyright law however lays down strict prerequisites on the reverse engineering without authorization of the rightholder. In the EU copyright law context, the copyright protection for interfaces is discussed (section 2). Next, the current regulation in computer program directive of reverse engineering of interfaces is presented (section 3). Finally, this regulation is critically evaluated and recommendations how to improve the current situation are offered (section 4). The last part (section 5) concludes.

Table of contents

  • 1. Introduction and scope
  • 2. Interfaces & copyright law
  • 3. Reverse engineering for interoperability and copyright law
  • 4. Criticism, discussion and suggestions de lege ferenda
  • 5. Conclusions
  • 6. References

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