Jusletter IT

The Small Claims Analysis Net Project

  • Autoren/Autorinnen: Francesco Romeo / Giovanni Di Stasio / Marco Giacalone / Fabrizio Corona / Francesco Giuseppe Sacco
  • Kategorie: Beiträge
  • Region: Italien
  • Rechtsgebiete: E-Government, E-Justice
  • Sammlung: Tagungsband IRIS 2019
  • Zitiervorschlag: Francesco Romeo / Giovanni Di Stasio / Marco Giacalone / Fabrizio Corona / Francesco Giuseppe Sacco, The Small Claims Analysis Net Project , in: Jusletter IT 21. Februar 2019
The European Small Claims Procedure is one of the most important tools provided by European Union, in order to decrease judicial litigation and make the judicial systems of Member States more efficient. Although, the European Union really believes this procedure to be fundamental, the ESCP is very little used. Therefore an effort is needed in order to disseminate the functioning of these procedures, but also to understand why consumers don’t use it and how the European Small Claims Procedure can be improved, raising citizens’ awareness about it. SCAN project aims at disseminate the knowledge of ESCP, that is not even know in the courts, among the stakeholders, which are lawyers, judges, consumers and EU citizens. The project serves the stakeholders, so that lawyers can guarantee an efficient legal assistance, judges can implement this procedure and consumers association can disseminate the knowledge of ESCP among their members and among all EU citizens.


  • 1. State of the art of the Small Claims Procedure within the European Union
  • 2. The Regulation 2007/861
  • 3. Aims and results of Small Claims Analysis Net Project
  • 4. Disclaimer
  • 5. References

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