Rechtsvisualisierung & Legal Design DOI: 10.38023/f88842bd-74a1-4c71-824a-ccddf4f7bd97

Transforming Contract Creation: Goodbye to Legal Writing – revisited

Helena Haapio
Helena Haapio





Tagungsband IRIS 2020

Zitiervorschlag: Helena Haapio, Transforming Contract Creation: Goodbye to Legal Writing – revisited, in: Jusletter IT 30. September 2020

For a long time, the focus of contract writers was mainly on the needs of lawyers: litigants, judges, and arbitrators. Practitioners and scholars prioritized legal objectives over anything else – until technology enabled new contract genres and self-help contracting platforms. A fundamental change is on its way in how contracts are prepared and presented. This paper takes stock of some recent developments and posits that the view of contracts as legal writing may soon be a thing of the past. To serve clients well, contracts must be designed, not just drafted, and self-help is here to stay.


  • 1. Introduction: Contract Style, Content, and Creation Are Changing
  • 2. Are Templates and Self-Help Contracting Tools a Dangerous Thing?
  • 3. Contracts as Legal Writing – Soon a Thing of the Past?
  • 4. Contracts Must be Designed, with Their Principal Users, the Clients, in Mind
  • 5. Conclusion
  • 6. References
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