Jusletter IT

Towards visual-dialogic law and contracting

  • Author: Soile Pohjonen
  • Category: Short Articles
  • Region: Finland
  • Field of law: Legal Visualisation
  • Collection: Conference proceedings IRIS 2012
  • Citation: Soile Pohjonen, Towards visual-dialogic law and contracting, in: Jusletter IT 29 February 2012
Visual elements are increasingly used in legal contexts. Instead of seeing them as purely risks - for example as evidence or as enhancements of text - or unimportant, we should utilize them consciously. When law is seen through Cartesian eyes, it is decontextualized, rational interpretation of legal norms and a dialectic discourse between lawyers. Legal language is a professional language. Through the influence of legal interpretation on legislation and implementation, legal language dominates most functions in society. If we see law through the eyes of society, documents have more important tasks than to fit into the coherent legal interpretation and decision making system. Legislation, implementation, dispute solution and interpretation should form a context-bound and target-oriented process. From this viewpoint justice and autonomy and the more mundane social goals do not already exist somewhere to be protected but are social goals to be attained. In order to succeed in this task knowledge transfer and cross-disciplinary knowledge co-creation are needed. Likewise, the goal of contracts is not purely to guard one’s own interests and to be prepared for legal disputes but to build cross-professional collaboration. Collaboration requires working tools which enable the crossing of boundaries between people’s minds. User-friendly legislation/contracts are instruments for co-creating and expressing the will of society/the party-organizations and to help different actors in society/the organizations to realize this will. Both contracts and legislation should as well arouse interest. Visualization facilitates knowledge transfer and enables transmission of holistic and complex comprehension. Additionally, people are drawn towards visual representations. Lawyers need visual literacy and visual skills to increase the ability to send and receive visual messages more consciously. This requires new understanding about law as a discipline and as a field of expertise in society.


  • 1. Towards dialogic law
  • 2. Towards trialogic law
  • 2.1. Contracts and contracting as illustrative examples
  • 2.2. Trialogue – dialogue + tools to cross the boundaries between people’s thinking
  • 3. Boundary objects in trialogic law
  • 4. References

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