Jusletter IT

Canada’s Secretive Work with the NSA Demonstrates the Need for Privacy-Protective Surveillance

  • Author: Ann Cavoukian
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Kanada
  • Field of law: Data Protection, Data Security
  • Citation: Ann Cavoukian, Canada’s Secretive Work with the NSA Demonstrates the Need for Privacy-Protective Surveillance, in: Jusletter IT 15 May 2014
The revelations from the Edward Snowden have made it very clear that significant change is needed in the ways that the intelligence agencies such as the Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) and National Security Agency (NSA), operate and are overseen. The article proposes a new methodology called Privacy-Protective Surveillance (PPS) which offers a positive-sum, «win-win» alternative to the current invasive, counter-terrorism surveillance systems.

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