Jusletter IT

The New Technologies and the Access to Justice in the Peruvian State

A Study on the Implementation of the New Criminal Procedural Code

  • Authors: Dennis José Almanza Torres / Flor Zúñiga Maldonado
  • Category: Articles
  • Field of law: AI & Law, E-Justice
  • Citation: Dennis José Almanza Torres / Flor Zúñiga Maldonado, The New Technologies and the Access to Justice in the Peruvian State, in: Jusletter IT Flash 1. September 2017
The modernization of the judicial branch through electronic and computer routines intends that the various participants in the process use different computer resources – such as the Internet – to convey the necessary information and to make the resolution of controversies easier with greater speed and efficiency. However, failures in the accomplishment of the electronic court record surface and bring severe consequences when dealing with criminal cases, since fundamental rights are discussed. Considering the development level of e-government, the paper will present a diagnosis of the current implementation of the electronic court record in the Peruvian criminal procedure, underlining its main benefits and difficulties.

Table of contents

  • 1. Extended Abstract
  • 2. Resumen extendido
  • 3. Las nuevas tecnologías y el accesso a la justicia en el estado peruano: un estudio a partir de la implementación del nuevo código procesal peruano (in Spanish)
  • 3.1. El gobierno electrónico y sus aplicaciones en el estado peruano
  • 3.2. Las nuevas tecnologías de la información y comunicación y la administración de justicia
  • 3.3. El expediente electrónico
  • 3.4. El nuevo proceso penal peruano
  • 3.5. Principales barreras a la implementación del expediente judicial electrónico
  • 3.6. Conclusiones

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