Jusletter IT

Towards Visualisation and End-User Verification in Data Protection Law

  • Authors: Thomas Kurz / Christoph Rücker / Bibi van den Berg / Thomas Lampoltshammer
  • Citation: Thomas Kurz / Christoph Rücker / Bibi van den Berg / Thomas Lampoltshammer, Towards Visualisation and End-User Verification in Data Protection Law, in: Jusletter IT 29 February 2012
The paper at hand presents an approach for the visualisation and end-user verification in the area of online data privacy and data protection. The emphasis is on increasing transparency and ease of use for both, the end-users and small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) within the European Union. The end-user, in this case the data subject, should be able to request, edit and delete data which he provides in online-services to SMEs and be able to understand for which purposes companies are using his data. This should be represented in an understandable and visually appealing way. On the other hand, SMEs should be supported in being compliant with the international and national data protection laws and legal experts should be enabled to edit data access without technical knowledge or assistance by technical personal. This paper shows how such a framework is currently implemented and which are the main components of the architecture.


  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Social Requirements
  • 3. Architecture, Design and Implementation
  • 3.1. End-User Verification Tool
  • 3.2. Privacy Rule Definition Language
  • 4. Conclusions
  • 5. Acknowledgment
  • 6. Literature

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