Jusletter IT

Von den Ursprüngen zur Gegenwart des Urheberrechts: Malerei

  • Authors: Mariagrazia Rizzi / Georg Jakob
  • Category: Articles
  • Region: Germany, Italy
  • Field of law: IP Law
  • Citation: Mariagrazia Rizzi / Georg Jakob, Von den Ursprüngen zur Gegenwart des Urheberrechts: Malerei, in: Jusletter IT 15 May 2013
Although the history of copyright and related rights might seem largely uncontroversial to the contemporary lawyer, several of its most intriguing details are intensely discussed by some scholars. Some researchers even try to trace the origins of copyright back to ancient Rome, although – as will be shown in the following article – sources support this scarcely. We will then describe how painting became a subject of modern copyright law, what problems this history causes today and how some of these problems might be solved


  • 1. Die Bildende Kunst als Sonderfall
  • 2. Auf der Suche nach den Ursprüngen
  • 3. Die aktuelle Debatte

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